these works were often implemented by order of the emperor in china , where they set a tough standard to incorporate scriptures so that the scriptures that were not of the standard were called ' zougai (蔵外 ).' この作業は、中国では皇帝名で行われることが多く、編入される書物の基準が厳格で、基準外のものは「蔵外(ぞうがい)」と称された。
the enkyu decree restricting the expansion of private estates was much more detailed and much fairer than any previous such decrees; as a result , it was particularly harmful to the weakened finances of the sekkan-ke (families of the fujiwara clan whose members were eligible to become regent ) as the private estates of the sekkan-ke were confiscated , for example (details of these events were recorded in the " gonijo moromichiki ," which was the diary of fujiwara no moromichi , who later became chancellor ). 特に延久の荘園整理令は、今までの整理令に見られなかった緻密さと公正さが見られ、その為に基準外の摂関家領が没収される等(『後二条師通記』に記載有り)、摂関家の経済基盤に大打撃を与えた。
標準外の: 【形】 nonstandard 基準外包装: nonstandard package 基準外径: 基準外径 standard outside diameter[金属]〈98H0500:伸銅品用語〉 基準外機能: nonstandard facility 基準外給与: extra remuneration 基準外賃金: 基準外賃金 きじゅんがいちんぎん extra wages 基準外国為替相場: 1. base exchange rate 2. basic exchange rate 3. basic rate of foreign exchange 基準外貸付制度: Bank of Japan's off-standard loan system 設計基準外事象: beyond design basis accident〔 【略】 BDBE〕 基準外積み荷標識灯: 基準外積み荷標識灯 (outline) marker light[その他]〈98Z8113:照明用語〉 準外交的な: 【形】 quasi-diplomatic 外の: 外の external[医生]; externus[医生] 標準外サイズ: outsize〔衣服などが〕 標準外ジョブ: 標準外ジョブ nonstandard job[電情] 標準外ラベル: nonstandard label