約_%の割引で: at a discount of some __%
基準額: base amount
かなりの割引で買う: buy ~ at a steep discount〔~を〕
かなりの割引で購入する: buy ~ at a steep discount〔~を〕
割引で: 1. at a reduced fare 2. at cut prices 3. at cut rates〈米〉 _%割引で at a savings of __%
償却基準額: depreciation base
_%の割引で販売量を倍にする: double one's sales volume with a __% discount
割引でない: 【形】 full-fare
割引で買う: 1. buy at a discount 2. buy on a discount _割引で買う buy at a __% discount
大幅割引で: at a big reduction
社員割引で: 1. at a staff discount 2. at the employees' rate
_%割引で: at a savings of __% 割引で 1. at a reduced fare 2. at cut prices 3. at cut rates〈米〉
_割引で買う: buy at a __% discount 割引で買う 1. buy at a discount 2. buy on a discount
価格の割引: discount on price
家賃の割引: rent rebate