1. reinforce the foundations 2. strengthen the foundation
however , yoshiteru made many attempts to assassinate nagayoshi , including some in this period , and this fact strongly suggests that he did not realize such attempts would rather undermine the basis of his power than strengthen it . しかし、この時期も含めて義輝は度々長慶暗殺を試みており、その試みが自身の権力基盤を強化するどころか突き崩すものである事に考えが至らなかった事を強く示唆している。
in addition , influential families such as dominant nobility , temples and shrines tended to develop more land over the regulation of konden einen shizai law (a law allowing farmers who cleared new lands to own them permanently ) in order to strengthen their economic bases , and press farmers ' lives . さらに有力貴族・寺社などの権勢家(権門)が、自らの経済基盤を強化するため、墾田永年私財法による規制面積以上に土地を開発し、百姓層の生活を圧迫する状況が見られた。
it基盤を強化する: strengthen one's IT infrastructure 税基盤を強化する: strengthen the tax base 国内経済基盤を強化する: reinforce one's domestic economic bases 成長基盤を強化する: strengthen the basis for growth 文化的基盤を強化する: reinforce one's cultural infrastructure 権力基盤を強化する: enhance one's power base 経営基盤を強化する: 1. reinforce the management base 2. strengthen management bases 3. strengthen one's operating foundations 経済基盤を強化する: beef up one's economic foundations 行財政基盤を強化する: strengthen the administrative and fiscal foundations of〔~の〕 財政基盤を強化する 1: strengthen the financial basis 財政基盤を強化する 2 strengthen the fiscal base of〔~の〕 資源基盤を強化する: strengthen the capital bases of〔~の〕 資金基盤を強化する: reinforce the financial foundations of〔~の〕 電子通信基盤を強化する: enhance telecommunication infrastructure もろい政権基盤を強化する: strengthen the foundations of one's fragile administration 中小企業の経営基盤を強化する: strengthen the management base of small and medium-sized enterprises