における驚くべき経済発展: extraordinary economic performance in 自然科学における驚くべき発達: startling evolution in natural science 驚くべき経済成果: stunning economic performance 驚くべき経済成長: astounding economic growth 驚くべき経歴: astonishing career 驚くべき経験: eye-opener / eye-opening 各国における経済発展の違い: different levels of economic development among countries 開発途上国における安定的な経済発展: stable economic progress in developing countries 驚くべき経済成長を実現する: achieve remarkable economic growth 驚くべき経済成長を生み出す: create astounding economic growth 驚くべき経済的成功を収める: achieve remarkable economic success 驚くべき場所: amazing place この国における1人当たりの1日の電気消費量は驚くべき量だ。: The amount of electricity consumed per person per day in this country is astonishing. 彼は研究の結果、両国の経済発展における相違点を発見した。: In his research work, he has found differences between the economic success of both countries. 小さな場所に驚くべき量の情報を保存する: store an amazing amount of information in a small space