- 塀を巡らす
to fence in
to surround with a wall
塀を巡らしてある: be surrounded by walls
塀を巡らせた要塞: walled citadel
板塀を巡らした家: house surrounded by a board fence
垣を巡らす: 1. encircle with a fence 2. enclose with a fence 3. put a fence around [round]
柵を巡らす: 1. enclose with a palisade 2. fence around 3. fence off 4. fence up 5. rail in
策を巡らす: 1. draw up a plan 2. work out a scheme
頭を巡らす: turn one's head around
城壁を巡らす: 1. build walls round 2. surround with a rampart
戦略を巡らす: 1. elaborate a strategy 2. plan a strategy
生垣を巡らす: hedge in
知謀を巡らす: plot and scheme
策略を巡らす: 1. devise a stratagem 2. pull a silly [stupid] stunt
計略を巡らす: 1. devise a scheme 2. devise a stratagem 3. make a plan 4. prepare a stratagem 5. work out a plan
謀略を巡らす: 1. devise a trick 2. plan a stratagem
馬首を巡らす: 1. start on one's return journey 2. turn a horse around