塩分控えめの: 【形】 mild-cured
塩分控えめのレシピ: low-sodium recipe
瓶詰め食品: bottled food
控えめ: 1. moderation 2. modesty 3. reticence 4. self-effacement / self-naughting / self-noughting
万事控えめ: moderation in all things
控えめで: be reserved about
控えめな人: modest violet
控えめな姿: unassuming appearance
控えめな量: modest portion
控えめに 1: 1. cum grano 2. in a low-key way 3. in moderation 4. with a pinch of salt 5. with unassuming modesty 控えめに 2 【副】 1. conservatively 2. demurely 3. discreetly 4. mildly 5. moderately 6. modestly 7.
控えめの: 【形】 1. moderate 2. self-deprecating / self-deprecatory
控えめな〔性格が〕: 【形】 reserved〔shy と違って、本人の意志を含意〕
控えめな〔態度が〕: 【形】 aw-shucks〈米話〉
控えめなこと: 1. discreetness 2. unobtrusiveness
控えめな予算: humbling budget