増え続ける 1: 1. continue to increase 2. continue to mount 増え続ける 2 【形】 ever-increasing
増え続ける~の数: the ever-increasing number of
増え続ける人口: 1. increasing human population 2. population that keeps growing
増え続ける侵略: ever-increasing aggression
増え続ける借金: mounting debts
増え続ける生産: ever-increasing production
増え続ける負債: ever-increasing debt
増え続ける顧客数: continuously growing number of clients
増え続ける~のリスト: ever-expanding list of
増え続ける~の供給: 1. ever-increasing provision of 2. ever-increasing supply of
増え続ける~の在庫: ever-growing stash of
増え続ける~の比率: ever-increasing proportion of
増え続ける~の難しさ: ever-increasing difficulties of
どんどん増え続ける家族: ever-increasing family
増え続けるたばこの密輸: widespread cigarette smuggling