bang one's head against a wall to get rid of the feeling
壁に頭をぶつけて感情を追い払おうとする: bang one's head against a wall to get rid of the feeling 壁に頭をぶつけて感情を追放しようとする: bang one's head against a wall to get rid of the feeling 感情を追い出すために壁に頭をぶつける: bang one's head against a wall to get rid of the feeling 感情を追い払うために壁に頭をぶつける: bang one's head against a wall to get rid of the feeling 感情を追放するために壁に頭をぶつける: bang one's head against a wall to get rid of the feeling 壁に頭をぶつける: bump one's head against [on] the wall 柱に頭をぶつける: 1. hit one's head against on 2. hit one's head on the post 3. ram one's head against a post 必死で頭から追い出そうとする: work hard at pushing ~ completely from one's mind〔~を〕 何か言い出そうとする: start to say something レンガ塀に頭をぶつける: knock one's head against a brick wall 低い梁に頭をぶつける: bump one's head on the low beams 木の枝に頭をぶつける: bump one's head on a tree branch 机の角に頭をぶつける: bump one's head on the corner of the desk 車の天井に頭をぶつける: hit one's head on the ceiling of a car 鴨居に頭をぶつける: bump one's head on the door lintel