sequence of corruptions in the ministry of Foreign Affairs
外務省における一連の汚職: sequence of corruptions in the ministry of Foreign Affairs 省内における一連の不祥事: series of improprieties at the ministry 外務省における人員の入れ替え問題: matter involving the reshuffling of personnel in the foreign ministry その地域における一連の不思議な出来事の要旨: summary of the sequence of mysterious incidents in the region 外務省における人員の入れ替えに関する問題: matter involving the reshuffling of personnel in the foreign ministry 大質量星における一連の核反応を経て: through a set of nuclear reactions in a massive star 核関連施設における一連の事故: a series of incidents at nuclear facilities 税の不正行為: illicit tax practice 一つの不正行為: a piece of dishonesty 企業の不正行為: corporate malfeasance 会計上の不正行為: financial misconduct 公務員の不正行為: official corruption 従業員の不正行為: dishonesty of their employees 法人の不正行為: corporate fraud 法律上の不正行為: legal wrongdoing