外国為替で: in foreign exchange 収益を上げる: 1. bolster one's earnings 2. boost one's earnings 3. make profits 4. raise revenue 収益を上げる実業家: profit-earning businessmen 小作農の収益を上げる: boost peasant income 落ち込む収益を上げる: boost one's sagging revenues 記録的な収益を上げる: make record profits 途上国の収益を上げる: raise incomes in developing nations _ドルの収益を上げる: make $__ in revenue 外国為替でもうける: make money on foreign exchange それは重要な収益を上げる方法である: It is a way to generate critical revenue. 人減らしをして収益を上げる: make profits by reducing payrolls 医療保険制度の収益を上げる: boost medical insurance system revenues 収益を上げるという観点から: from the standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view] of profit 収益を上げるビジネスマン: profit-earning businessmen _ドル以上の総収益を上げる: gross more than __ dollars