- restrictions on the market entry of foreign companies
外資系企業: 1. alien corporation 2. company with foreign capital affiliation 3. enterprise with foreign capital 4. foreign (capital [capital-backed]) company [corporation, enterprise, firm] / foreign-affiliated
外資系企業のシェア: foreigners' share
外資系企業に合う: fit into a foreign company
数多くの外資系企業を魅了する: attract many foreign-affiliated companies
外資系企業経営者協会: 【組織】 Foreign Affiliated Companies Management Association〔 【略】 FAMA〕
その企業は、市場参入に失敗した。: The company failed to break into the market.
通貨市場価格に対する規制を撤廃する: lift controls on currency market rate
市場参入に関心がある: be interested in someone's entry into the market〔人の〕
対する規制: restriction on〔~に〕
外資系企業からの苦情に耳を傾ける: listen to complaints from foreign companies
内外の企業に対し適切な市場参入機会を提供する: provide appropriate market opportunities to domestic and foreign suppliers
新規企業の市場への参入を阻む: hinder the entry of new companies into the market
市場参入規制は全くない: have no market entry regulations
市場参入: 1. access to market 2. market access 3. market entry
知的所有権に対する規制: controls on intellectual property