Many countries find it difficult to have their voices heard.
話に耳を傾けてもらう: get the ear of〔~に〕 国民の意見に耳を傾ける: listen to public opinion 多くの人々の批判や意見に耳を傾ける: listen to opinions as well as criticisms from many people 友達の意見に耳を傾けるべきである。: Friends' opinions matter. 周りの意見に対し謙虚に耳を傾ける: humbly listen to other opinions 国民からの意見に耳を傾ける: listen to input from citizens 国際社会の意見に耳を傾ける: listen to the opinions of the international community 意見に十分に耳を傾ける: carefully listen to the opinions expressed by〔~の〕 捕鯨に反対する国々の意見に耳を傾ける: listen to the opinions of nations opposed to whaling 私たちは互いの違いに耳を傾けている。: We listen to each other's differences. 耳を傾けてもらえない: 1. fall on deaf ears〔 【直訳】 聞こえない耳に落ちる〕 2. go in (at [through]) one ear and out (of [at]) the other 若者の意見にもっと耳を傾ける: listen more attentively to young people's opinions 流れに逆らうのは難しい: It is ill striving against the stream.《諺》 自分の話に耳を傾けてほしい: want someone to listen to〔人に〕 さまざまな意見に対し謙虚に耳を傾ける: listen humbly to a broad range of opinions