- 1. all-around ability
2. all-round ability
多才な: 【形】 1. many-sided 2. versatile〔 【名】 versatility〕
多才な人: 1. person of ample gifts 2. person of many abilities 3. person of many gifts 4. person of multiple talents 5. person of various talent 6. person of versatile gifts 7. person of versatile talents
多才な人物: person of (many) parts
多才な作家: 1. miscellaneous writer 2. versatile author 3. versatile writer
多才な学者: all-round scholar
多才な巨匠: versatile virtuoso
多才な芸人: versatile performer
多才な芸術家: artist of many talents
多芸多才な人: versatile person
非常に多才な人: person of great versatility
十分な能力: adequate ability to〔~するのに〕
多様な能力: diverse capacities
特殊な能力: specialized power
不思議な能力: uncanny ability
全般的な能力: overall ability