toward the formulation of multifaceted and fair rules
合法かつ公正な: legal and above board 真実かつ公正な: true and fair 真実かつ公正な見解: true and fair view 合法かつ公正: legal and above board 多角的な交渉に積極的かつ前向きに参加する: participate actively and positively in multilateral negotiations 公正かつ公平に: on a fair and equitable basis 21世紀を目指して: in anticipation of the 21st century 賞を目指して争う: contend with someone for a prize〔人と〕 公正かつ簡素で分かりやすい税制を目指す: strive toward a tax system that is fair, simple and easy to understand 公正かつ公平な分配: fair and equitable distribution of〔~の〕 公正かつ公平な利用: fair and equal use of〔~の〕 多角的: 多角的 たかくてき multilateral many-sided diversified 具体案の策定を委ねる: entrust ~ to create specific plans〔~に〕 100%を目指して頑張る: strive for 100% テロ撲滅を目指して: with the aim of eradicating terrorism