~間の話し合いの内容: contents of the conversation between 話し合いの最中である: be in talks to〔~する〕 話し合いの中心となる: dominate the discussions 話し合いの間: during a discussion about〔~についての〕 一対一の話し合い: person-to-person talk [discussion] 労使間の話し合い: negotiation between an employer and a union 新契約の話し合い: negotiations for a new contract 犯人との話し合い: negotiation with the criminal 舞台裏の話し合い: behind-the-scenes negotiation 軍同士の話し合い: military-to-military negotiations 地域住民との話し合いの継続: sustained dialogue with local residents _月に行った前回の話し合いの後: following the last discussion in ~間の話し合いの雰囲気を改善する: improve the atmosphere of the discussion between 話し合いを通して: through negotiations 夜通しの: 【形】 1. all-night 2. nightlong 3. overnight