- convert thought into action to realize the dream
考えを行動に移す: put (one's) ideas into action
夢を実現させる 1: 1. convert one's dreams into reality 2. fulfill one's vision 3. live out a dream 4. translate dream into reality 夢を実現させる 2 bring fulfillment to the dream of〔人の〕
夢を実現させるぞ。: I'll make it come true.
研究と計画を通じて考えを行動に移す: translate an idea into action through research and planning
調査と計画を通じて考えを行動に移す: translate an idea into action through research and planning
人々は、その計画を実現させるために力を合わせた。: People worked together to make the plan a reality.
自分の夢を実現させる: make one's dreams come true
研究と企画立案を通じて考えを行動に移す: translate an idea into action through research and planning
調査と企画立案を通じて考えを行動に移す: translate an idea into action through research and planning
私はこれを実現させるために必要なことはどんなことでもする。: I will do whatever it takes to make it happen.
考えを実行に移す: 1. implement an idea 2. put an idea into practice 3. put an idea to execution 4. translate ideas into action
信念を行動に移す: act out one's belief
合意を行動に移す: put the agreement into action
思想を行動に移す: convert ideas into action
政策を行動に移す: translate the policies into action