- reflexively cover one's ears
思わず耳をふさぐ: reflexively cover one's ears
耳をふさぐ 1: 1. cover one's ears 2. give no ear 3. stop one's ears 耳をふさぐ 2 pay no heed (to)〔~に〕
両手で耳をふさぐ: 1. bring one's hands up to one's ears 2. cover one's ears with one's hands 3. place one's hands over one's ears 4. put one's hands over one's ears
綿で耳をふさぐ: fill one's ears with cotton
気道をふさぐほど大きな腫れ物を作る: produce extreme swelling that blocks the airway
他人の忠告に耳をふさぐ: refuse to listen to the advice of others
他人の意見に耳をふさぐ: refuse to listen to the advice of others
他者の忠告に耳をふさぐ: refuse to listen to the advice of others
他者の意見に耳をふさぐ: refuse to listen to the advice of others
思わず耳を傾けてしまうもの: ear-grabber
口をふさぐ: silence someone's tongue〔脅しなどで〕〔人の〕
目をふさぐ: cover one's eyes at〔~に〕
腺をふさぐ: block the gland
道をふさぐ: 1. bar the path 2. bar the way 3. block (up) a passage 4. block a road 5. get [stand] in someone's way 6. lie in the way
間をふさぐ: fill up a crack with〔~ですき〕