The emotional impact of the President's statement was great.
彼の意見が政界の変動に与える影響は大きかった: His ideas were seminal for political change. 大統領の政策には一貫性がなかった: The president's policies were inconsistent. 大統領の: 【形】 presidential 大統領の職: 1. chair〈米〉〔通例 the Chair〕 2. presidency その新聞は、大統領の新しいイヌをからかった: The newspaper poked fun at the president's new dog. 大統領のセックススキャンダルは、見苦しかった: The case of the presidential sex scandal was sordid. 大統領の声明によってゴタゴタした日の後、市場は最終的に落ち着きを取り戻した: The market is finally stabilized after a day of frayed nerves over the presidential statement. 大統領の人気: presidential popularity 大統領の任期: 1. presidency 2. president's term of office 3. presidential term 大統領の地位: 1. presidency 2. rank of president 大統領の弾劾: impeachment of the President 大統領の指令: presidential directive 大統領の暗殺: presidential assassinations 大統領の条件: 【映画】 The President's Child〔米1992〕 大統領の権力: 1. powers of the President 2. presidential power