だまして信じ込ませる: put over だまして(that以下)と信じ込ませる: cheat someone into the belief that〔人を〕 自分が一人で住んでいるように保護観察官をだまして信じ込ませた: He fooled his parole officer into believing he was living alone. 大衆をだます: fool the public 信じ込ませる 1: 【他動】 persuade 信じ込ませる 2 1. encourage someone to believe that 2. lead someone to believe that〔人に〕〔that以下を〕 (that以下)と信じ込ませる: persuade someone to believe that〔人に〕 でたらめを言う 1: 1. talk nonsense [rubbish] 2. talk out of one's arse〈卑〉 3. talk through one's hat 4. talk wildly でたらめを言う 2 【自動】 bullshit〈卑〉 でたらめを言う人: 1. bullshitter〈卑〉 2. bullshooter〈米俗〉〔bullshitter の婉曲表現〕 彼は彼女をだまして彼が金持ちだと思い込ませた: He deceived her into thinking he was rich. うそをついて信じ込ませる: mislead someone into believing〔人に〕 だまして信じさせる: fool someone into believing 国をだまして~する: defraud the state by doing だまして~をつかませる: palm off でたらめを言っている: be just crying wolf 信じ込ます: 信じ込ます しんじこます to lead to believe