- figure out a way to make a big money
大金を稼ぐ方法を見つける: figure out a way to make a big money
金を稼ぐ方法: 1. way of earning money 2. way to make money
方法を考え出す 1: figure out a way 方法を考え出す 2 come up with ways to〔~する〕
別の方法を考え出す: find another way to〔~するための〕
新しい方法を考え出す: initiate new methods
もっと金を稼ぐ方法: how to make more money
簡単に金を稼ぐ方法: easy way to make money
大金を稼ぐ: 1. conjure up tons of money〔不思議な力、魔法で〕 2. earn a bomb 3. earn huge amounts of money 4. earnt a packet 5. make a bomb 6. make a lot of money 7. make a million 8. make a packet 9. make a pile of money
旨い法を考え出す: 旨い法を考え出す うまいほうをかんがえだす to devise a crack method
情動的過食症の抑制方法を考え出す: develop a way to control emotional overeating
~するよう(人)を説得する方法を考え出す: devise a way of persuading someone to
手っ取り早く金を稼ぐ方法: quick way to make money
事業で大金を稼ぐ: make a lot of money in one's business
商売で大金を稼ぐ: make a lot of money in one's business
楽に大金を稼ぐ: shake the pagoda tree〈英〉