- When petticoats woo, breeks may come speed.
据え膳食わぬは男の恥。: It's a man's shame not to accept a woman's seduction.〔日本の諺〕
女に言い寄る: make advances to a woman
女に言い寄る男: carpet knight〔 【直訳】 じゅうたんの騎士〕
たくさんの男に言い寄られる娘は、大抵最悪の男を選んでしまう。: A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst.
に言い寄る 1: 1. crack onto 2. make a pass at 3. pay one's attentions to 4. put the hard on に言い寄る 2 stick up to〔異性〕
据え膳: 据え膳 すえぜん meal set before one women's advances
女性に言い寄る: 1. pay one's addresses to a lady 2. pay one's attentions to 3. play the gallant 4. put the hard on
異性に言い寄る: 1. crack onto 2. make a pass at
善は急げ: 善は急げ ぜんはいそげ Strike while the iron is hot
善は急げ 1: 1. Now is the time to act. 2. make hay while the sun shines〔 【直訳】 日が照っている間に草を干す〕 善は急げ 2 1. Good deeds should be done quickly [without hesitating]. 2. Make no delay in doing what is good.《諺》
善は急げだ: better now than later〔 【参考】 better late than never〕
何食わぬ顔: 何食わぬ顔 なにくわぬかお innocent look
上司は私に言い寄ろうとした。: The boss tried to make advances toward me.
女性に言い寄るのがうまい: be good at making approaches to women
嫌がっている女性に言い寄ること: 1. unwanted pass 2. unwelcome pass [advance]