- She was miffed with her sister's impudence.
むかっ腹を立てて: in a huff
むかっ腹を立てる: 1. fly into a rage for no reason 2. have a tantrum 3. poke one's mouth off〈米黒人俗〉
向かっ腹を立てる: 1. fly [get] into a temper [fury, passion, rage, tantrum] / lose one's block 2. lose one's temper
むかっ腹を立てて辞職する: quit in angry disgust
腹を立てた: 【形】 1. cross 2. displeased 3. indignant
彼女の不作法な行動に、彼は腹を立てた: He was offended at her crude behavior.
とても腹を立てた: highly indignant
腹を立てた群衆: angry crowd
行為に腹を立てる: be affronted at someone's conduct〔人の〕
生意気な行動: smart aleckry
向かって腹を立てる: get hot at〔人に〕
腹を立てる: 腹を立てる はらをたてる to take offense to get angry
一度も(人)に腹を立てたことがない: never get [become] angry with
腹を立てて 1: 1. as mad as a hornet 2. hot under the collar 3. in a fit of anger 4. in a paddy [snit] 5. in a pique / in a fit [moment] of pique 6. in a tantrum 7. in dudgeon 8. leaped up 9. out of temper 10. pis
腹を立てる 1: 1. be moved to anger 2. be on [get on, mount, ride] one's high 3. blow up 4. bridle up 5. carry on 6. chuck a spaz [mental, wobblie, wobbly] 7. cut up nasty [rough] 8. do one's block [bun, lolly, na