- seek sex outside the marriage
さらに交渉を求める: demand further negotiations
二国間交渉を求める: seek bilateral talks with〔~との〕
婚外交渉: 婚外交渉 こんがいこうしょう extramarital sex
何十年もかけて外交交渉を重ねることによって返還を求める: spend decades trying regain through diplomatic negotiations
外交特権を求める: invoke one's right to diplomatic immunity from〔~について〕
外交主導権を求める: pursue diplomatic initiatives
外交交渉を行う: conduct diplomatic negotiations
交渉を進める: 1. carry forward with negotiations 2. go on with the negotiations 3. move the negotiations forward 4. push the negotiations forward
値を求める: 値を求める evaluate[化学]
和を求める: 1. figure out a sum 2. work out a sum
富を求める: seek wealth
差を求める: find the remainder
席を求める: ask to be seated
愛を求める: seek the love of〔~の〕
比を求める: 比を求める ひをもとめる to obtain the ratio