- admit one's guilt to a sexual assault on〔~へ〕
婦女暴行: 婦女暴行 ふじょぼうこう rape
婦女暴行罪: 1. serious charge 2. serious offense
婦女暴行する: lay hands on a woman
婦女暴行事件: rape case
婦女暴行未遂: unsuccessful attempt to sexually assault a woman
罪を認める: 1. admit one's guilt 2. admit the charges 3. admit to the charges 4. admit to the crimes 5. own one's guilt 6. plead guilty 7. plead no contest to the charge
婦女暴行の容疑で: on suspicion of raping a woman
婦女暴行の容疑者: alleged rapist
婦女暴行容疑の: suspected of rape
連続婦女暴行犯人: serial rapist
有罪を認める: plead guilty
軽罪を認める: plead guilty to a misdemeanor
犯行を認める: 1. claim responsibility 2. confess one's guilt / confess oneself guilty / confess the fact / confess to a crime 3. plead guilty
目撃者に不当な圧力をかけた罪を認める: plead guilty to tamper with a witness
対する罪を認める: own [fess] up to the charges against〔人に〕