~を思い出す: be reminiscent of〔人が〕
名を思い出す: call someone's name to remembrance〔人の〕
夢を思い出す: recall a dream
日を思い出す: recall the day when〔~した〕
突然~を思い出す: suddenly remember about
体験を思い出す: look back on [upon] one's experiences of〔~の〕
名前を思い出す: 1. get someone's name out of my head 2. recall someone's name〔人の〕
当時を思い出す: recall those days
正確に~を思い出す: place ~ precisely
経験を思い出す 1: remember one's experience 経験を思い出す 2 look back on [upon] one's experiences of〔~の〕
見ると~を思い出す 1: serve as a reminder of〔主語を〕 見ると~を思い出す 2 can't see someone without thinking of〔人を〕
言葉を思い出す: think about what someone said〔人の〕
~のことを思い出す: turn someone's thought to〔主語を契機に〕〔人が〕
ああ、昔を思い出すなあ。: Boy, does that bring back memories.
いや応なく~を思い出す: be forcibly reminded of