健康診断を受けさせる: provide physical checkups 家族を病院に連れて行く: take a family member to the hospital 健康診断を受ける: 1. go through the medical checkup 2. have [get, go in for, undergo] a checkup 3. have [get, go in for, undergo] a physical [medical] exam [examination, checkup] 4. have a medical 5. take a checkup この子を健康診断に連れてってくれる?: Can you take him for his medical check-up? 定期健康診断を受ける: have a regular checkup 年に1回健康診断を受ける: have a yearly checkup 「飼い犬を病院に連れて行ったことはある?」「ううん、幸いないよ」「それじゃ、この先もそうだといいね」: "Has your dog had to visit a hospital?" "No, thankfully." "Well then, let's hope it stays that way." 子どもを幼稚園に連れて行く: take one's child to kindergarten 定期的に健康診断を受けて健康管理をするよう医師は勧めている: Doctors recommend that people keep tabs on their health by getting regular medical check-ups. 小児科医は、病院に連れてこられて不安になっている子どもに手品を見せた。: The pediatrician did tricks for the child who was anxious about being in the doctor's office. 例年の定期健康診断を受ける: have one's annual health checkup 先週、年に1度の健康診断を受けた: I got my annual checkup last week. 定期的に健康診断を受ける: 1. get check-ups on a regular basis 2. get physical examinations on a regular basis 3. get physicals on a regular basis 彼は昨日健康診断を受けた: He had a medical examination yesterday. 怪我した人を病院に連れて行くんだよ。車の事故かなんかあったんだね。: They take injured people to the hospital. There must have been a car accident or something.