公衆の健康を守る: protect public health 国民の健康を守る: protect the people's health 子どもの健康を守る: protect children's health 健康を守る: protect the health of〔~の〕 身体の健康: 1. bodily well-being 2. physical fitness 大気汚染から一般市民の健康を守る: protect public health from air pollution 大気汚染から公衆の健康を守る: protect public health from air pollution 大気汚染から国民の健康を守る: protect public health from air pollution 次の世代の健康を守るカギ: key way to protect the health of the next generation 自分自身の健康を守るために努力する: work at keeping oneself healthy 公共の健康や安全を守る: protect public health and safety 人々の健康を守るために極めて大きな効果を発揮する: yield very substantial benefits for the protection of people's health 母乳には赤ちゃんの健康を守るものが何か含まれている。: The breast milk has something protective of the baby's health. 身体の健康の重要性: importance of physical fitness 新生児の身体的健康を追跡調査する: track the physical health of newborn babies