- bring up a child on healthy food
健康食品: 健康食品 けんこうしょくひん health foods
健康食品の: 【形】 health-food
健康食品店: 1. health food store 2. health-food shop
健康食品会社: health food company
健康食品の信奉者: health food addict
健康食品マニア: health food freak
健康食品店の店員: health-food-store employee
健康食品販売店: health-food shop
健康食: 1. health food 2. health food diet 3. healthy diet
ミルクで育てる: 1. bring up on the bottle 2. raise on the bottle
哺乳瓶で育てる: 【他動】 bottle-feed
室内で育てる植物: indoor plant
屋内で育てる植物: indoor plant
母乳で育てる 1: 1. feed a child on mother's milk 2. rear a baby at the breast 3. rear at the breast 母乳で育てる 2 【他動】 breast-feed
母乳で育てること: breast-feeding