出産後に減量する: 1. lose weight after giving birth 2. lose weight after one has had a baby
減量する: 減量する v. lose [reduce] (one's) weight (見出しへ戻る headword ? 減量)
減量する 1: 1. be reduced in amount 2. get one's weight off 3. get rid of 4. lose some weight 5. lose weight 6. reduce one's weight 7. reduce the quantity 8. shed weight 9. take off 減量する 2 【他動】 reduce 減量する 3
休薬を要する場合は、徐々に減量する: In case of discontinuation at this product, gradual dose reduction should be made.
夜遅くに安全に帰宅する方法を考える: think about safer ways to get home late at night
深夜に安全に帰宅する方法を考える: think about safer ways to get home late at night
健康を損なわずに減量する: lose one's weight without losing one's health
肥満した人たちのために減量するよう忠告する: recommend the weight loss for obese people
国をより安全にする方法を心得ている指導者: leader who knows how to make country safer
夜遅くに安全に帰宅する方法を見つけ出す: think about safer ways to get home late at night
深夜に安全に帰宅する方法を見つけ出す: think about safer ways to get home late at night
短期間で減量する: lose weight fast
夜遅くに安全に家に帰る方法を考える: think about safer ways to get home late at night
最も安全に旅ができる方法: the safest way to travel
深夜に安全に家に帰る方法を考える: think about safer ways to get home late at night