japanese eiten system in modern times mainly included ikai , decorations and peerages , but in some cases , it also included the following: special posts , such as jako no ma shiko (emperor ' s personal attendant in the jako room ), kinkei-no-ma shiko (kinkei hall attendant ) and an imperial court councilor; the preference to veteran statesmen called genro (elder statesman ); the courteous reception of the previous post given to a person who used to be a prime minister or a chairman of the privy council; an emperor ' s cup (prize cup ) based on a decoration; and the imperial rescript and the state funeral for a minister who especially had a great achievement . 日本の近代に於ける栄典制度は主に位階・勲章・爵位が挙げられるが、他に麝香間祗候・錦鶏間祗候や宮中顧問官のように特別な官職につく例や元老と称される元勲優遇、内閣総理大臣・枢密院議長を経験した者になされる前官礼遇の様に待遇に関する物、勲章に準ずる賜杯(賞杯)、特に功績のあった臣下に賜る勅語・国葬が挙げられる。
教職につく: → 教職に就く 職につく: → 職に就く 官職にある: hold an office under government 官職に就く: 1. get an appointment (with) 2. get into office 公的役職につく: hold public office 聖職につく[ついている]: 聖職につく[ついている] take [be in] holy orders 《正式》;enter [go into, join] the church 《正式》. 官職: 官職 かんしょく government service につく: につく 似付く to become to suit to be like to match well 要職につける: appoint someone to a key post〔人を〕 官職に就いて徴兵を回避する人: embusque〈フランス語〉 重要な官職に民間人を任命する: install civilians in key government posts 高い官職にあこがれる若者: young aspirants to high office いたにつく: いたにつく 板に着く to be at home (on the stage) えきにつく: えきにつく 駅に着く to arrive at the station かんにつく: かんにつく 官に就く to enter the government service