- get family affairs in order
家庭内にゴタゴタがある: have domestic troubles
町のゴタゴタ: publicized war
~とのゴタゴタ: struggle with
外務省内のゴタゴタに終止符を打つ: put an end to the fracas within the Foreign Office
ゴタゴタを起こす: 1. cause [make] trouble 2. heap trouble up
何年間ものゴタゴタの後: after years of disagreement
社内のゴタゴタに巻き込まれて職を危うくする: jeopardize one's job by getting mixed up in office politics
ゴタゴタ 1: 1. bree 2. clart 3. disagreement 4. entanglement 5. fuzzbuzz〈米俗〉 6. imbroglio 7. mess 8. mix-up 9. ruckus〈米俗〉 10. run-in〈米話〉 11. snafu 12. struggle ゴタゴタ 2 muddle〔状態の〕
ゴタゴタを引き起こす: 1. cause [make] trouble 2. trigger a backlash
ゴタゴタを起こして: in trouble〔警察と〕
ゴタゴタを起こす人: troublemaker
~にゴタゴタを引き起こす: cause [make] trouble to [for]
~にゴタゴタを起こす: cause [make] trouble to [for]
すべてを取りまとめる: put the whole thing together
意見を取りまとめる: forge a convergence of opinion