- come from troubled family backgrounds
彼女は家庭環境に問題がある: There's [There is] a problem in her family background.
家庭に問題がある: get a situation at home
武家の出である: be of samurai stock
王家の出である: be sprung of a royal stock
良家の出である: 1. be from a privileged segment of society 2. be of good birth 3. be of good kin 4. born [come] of good stock 5. come from a good family 6. come from a good home 7. come of a good family
人格に問題がある: have a personality problem
学業に問題がある: have problems with one's schoolwork
特に問題がある: have special trouble with〔~に〕
聴覚に問題がある: have a hearing problem
視力に問題がある: have vision problems
保守的な家の出である: come from a conservative family
漁業の家の出である: be from a fishing family
裕福な家の出である: come of a well-to-do family
貧しい家の出である: come out a poor family
音楽一家の出である: come from a musical family