When they didn't pay the rent, the landlord evicted them.
デモ隊を立ち退かせる: remove demonstrators 地元住民を立ち退かせる: dislocate local population 彼は前金を払わなかったのか?: Did he give you an advance? 立ち退かせる: 立ち退かせる たちのかせる to evict to eject 黒人は白人が払っていた家賃の約3倍を払わなければならなかった。: Blacks had to pay about three times as much rent as whites were paying. 立ち退かせる 1: 1. clear off 2. clear out 3. move on 4. turn out 立ち退かせる 2 【他動】 1. evacuate 2. evict 3. oust 4. uproot 立ち退かせる 3 order someone out (of)〔~から〕 立ち退かせる 4 throw out〔場所から〕 ~から立ち退かせる: evict someone from〔人を〕 家賃を払った。: I paid the rent. 下宿人は女家主に家賃を払った: The lodger paid his rent to the landlady. 何とかして家賃を払わなければならない: have to pay the rent somehow 土地から立ち退かせる: force someone off the ground〔人を〕 立ち退かせる〔居住者を〕: 【他動】 clear 医師は彼女が本当に病気だとは思わなかったので、偽薬を与えた: The doctor didn't think she was sick, so he gave her a placebo. 家主は、欲を出して家賃を値上げした: The landlord's greed caused him to raise the rent. 2日分も延長料全を払わなきゃならなかった。: I had to pay for two extra days after the deadline.