send someone a message commemorating the happy event〔人に〕
つい先日の(人)の受賞に対し簡単に祝詞を述べる: send some [a few] kind words following someone's recent award 祭詞を述べる: give a eulogy《皇室?葬儀》 このたびの~就任に際して心から祝詞を述べる: send someone warm congratulations on his recent appointment as〔人の〕 ~で表彰されたことに対し心からの祝辞を述べる: extend one's heartiest congratulations to someone for the recognition of〔人が〕 当選の祝意を述べる: congratulate someone on his election〔人の〕 当選の祝辞を述べる: congratulate someone on his election〔人の〕 結婚の祝辞を述べる: felicitate someone on his marriage〔人に〕 選任の祝意を述べる: congratulate someone on his election〔人の〕 選任の祝辞を述べる: congratulate someone on his election〔人の〕 その批評に対して意見を述べる: give an opinion on the criticism 示した~への心遣いに対し重ねて礼を述べる: reiterate one's thanks for someone's consideration to〔人が〕 の用命に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for giving the opportunity to serve〔人から〕 対して意見を述べる: pass sentence on [upon]〔~に〕 貢献に対して礼を述べる: thank someone for his contribution〔人の〕 お互いへの不満を述べる: express displeasure with one another