- make a few last-minute amendments to〔~に〕
対する土壇場の修正: last-minute amendment to〔~に〕
土壇場の: 【形】 1. eleventh-hour 2. hard-pressed 3. last-ditch 4. last-minute〔 【last-minute に続く名詞(頻度順)】 changes, wedding, lobbying, movie, dials, decision, preparation, negotiation, concessions, compromise, s
土壇場の取引: last-ditch deal
土壇場の合意: last-minute settlement
土壇場の和解: last-minute settlement
土壇場の戦い: last-ditch battle
土壇場の決断: eleventh-hour decision
土壇場の試み: last-minute attempt
~の修正を促す: prompt someone to revise〔人に〕
土壇場の代理人: last-minute fill-in
土壇場の和平提案: last-ditch peace proposal
土壇場の脱出劇: the eleventh-hour escape
土壇場の駆け引き: last-minute wheeling and dealing
教科書に対して一連の修正を求める: demand a series of modifications to the text
土壇場で敗れる: get beaten at the post