- be increased by __% compared to the previous fiscal year
対前年度比で: compared with the previous fiscal year
前年比_%以上の急増である: surge at more than __% year on year
前年度比_%増になる: show a __% increase over the previous year's
前年度比_%増を示す: show a __% increase over the previous year's
前年度並みである: stay at the same level as in the previous fiscal year
対前年比_%の増加: year-on-year increase of __ percent
前年の_%増しである: represent [show] a __-percent increase over last year
前年のほぼ_%増しである: be nearly __% more than the year before
対前年比: 1. over a year ago 2. over the previous year
対前年比(で): 【名?副】 year-on-year〔 【略】 yr/yr ; y/y〕
前年度: 前年度 ぜんねんど preceding fiscal year
対前年変化率: year-on-year percentage changes
対前年比増加: year-to-year rise
_年度の売上高に迫る勢いである: be close to the shipment volume in
前年度後半に: in latter part of previous period