implications of the deterioration in the external financing environment
国際的な資金調達: international sourcing 対外資金調達: foreign financing 国際的な資金調達計画: international financing plan 環境の悪化: deterioration of environment〔 【略】 DE〕 雇用環境の悪化の兆し: sign of the worsening employment situation 環境の影響: 1. environmental influence 2. influence of environment 必要な資金調達: necessary funding 有能な資金調達者: prolific fund-raiser 相当の追加的な資金調達を必要とする: require additional substantial financing 牛肉需要の悪化の影響を受ける: be affected by weakened demand for beef 必要な資金調達を得る: get the necessary funding 必要な資金調達を行う: provide the necessary funding 地球環境の悪化: worsening global environment 家族環境の悪化: deteriorating family environment 所得環境の悪化: worsened income environment