- 1. What do you major in?
2. What's your major?
副専攻科目は何ですか?: 1. What do you minor in? 2. What's your minor?
「専攻は何ですか?」「私の専攻科目はまだ決まっていません」: "What is your major?" "No, my major is undeclared yet."
「専攻は何ですか?」「私の専攻科目はまだ申告していません」: "What is your major?" "No, my major is undeclared yet."
副専攻は何ですか?: 1. What do you minor in? 2. What's your minor?
専攻は何ですか。: What is your area of specialization? 専攻は何ですか? 1. What did you major in? 2. What do you major in? 3. What was your major (in college)? 4. What's your major?
専攻は何ですか?: 1. What did you major in? 2. What do you major in? 3. What was your major (in college)? 4. What's your major? 専攻は何ですか。 What is your area of specialization?
副専攻科目: 1. minor 2. minor subject
専攻科目: 1. major 2. major subject 3. special subject to study 4. subject of special study
議題の最初の項目は何ですか: What's first on the agenda?〔会議の冒頭で使われる〕
大学での専攻科目: one's major in college
専攻科目を決める: settle on a major
主要メンバーとしてのあなたの役目は何ですか。: What's your operation as a key member?
bの値は何ですか?: What is the value of B?《数学》
お薦めは何ですか?: What do you recommend?〔レストランで〕
これは何ですか。: What is this? {1}