専門家の助言: 1. expert advice 2. professional advice 外部専門家の助言を得る: receive advice from outside experts 専門家の助けが必要だ: need professional help 専門家の助けを得る: get professional help from〔~から〕 専門家の助けを求める: 1. seek out professional help 2. seek professional help 専門家の助言を求める: seek professional counseling 専門家の助言を聞く: seek the advice of an expert regarding〔~について〕 専門家の絵: expert painting 非専門家の: 【形】 lay 保健専門家の助けを求める: seek help from a health professional 専門家の助けが必要である: need the help of a professional 必要な時すぐに専門家の助言を得る: have expert advice on hand whenever one needs it 専門家の一団: panel of experts 専門家の供給: supply of experts 専門家の分析: expert analysis