将来に備えた: 【形】 provident
将来に備える: 1. look ahead 2. make provision for the future 3. prepare for one's future 4. provide for the future
将来に備えた準備: provident move
将来に備えての貯蓄: saving for the future
将来に備えて蓄える: build nest egg for future
赤ちゃんの将来に備えて: prepare for the baby's future
若い間に将来に備えておく: be provident while young
嵐の襲来に備える: batten down for a storm
近い将来に何か変化があるとは思えない: I don't think there will be any changes in the immediate future.
万一に備えて蓄えなさい: Keep something for a rainy day.《諺》
将来に確信がない: be uncertain about the future
将来に: in time to come
あまり遠くない将来に: 1. before too long 2. in the not-so-distant [not-too-distant] future
そう遠くない将来に: 1. in the not-so-distant [not-too-distant] future 2. within a measurable period of time
将来に良い見込みのない: have a dim future