敬意を示すために帽子を脱いで: hats off to 尊敬を示すために帽子を取って: hats off to 敬意を示すために帽子を取って: hats off to 帽子を脱いで: with bare head 示すために: as an expression of〔~を〕 を示すためにうなずく: nod one's head to show that〔that以下〕 服を脱いで: with one's clothes off 靴を脱いで: 1. in one's stockings [stocking feet, stockinged feet] 2. with one's shoes off ストレスを脱いで人生により素晴らしい安定を見いだすために思い切った行動をとる: take drastic steps to shed stress and find greater balance in one's lives 帽子を脱ぐ: 【他動】 doff〔あいさつや敬意を示すための動作〕 上着を脱いで: 1. in (one's) shirtsleeves 2. in one's shirt sleeves 3. with one's coat off 4. with one's jacket off 衣装を脱いで: be out of costume その犬は好意を示すために、尾を振った: The dog wagged his tail to show he was friendly. ということを示すために事実を挙げる: adduce facts to show that〔that以下〕 実例を示すために~にあごをしゃくる: nod in illustration out at