- be instrumental in reversing the birthrate decline〔主語によって〕
少子化対策: countermeasures to the falling birthrate
少子化対策に効果がある: effective in reversing the decline in the nation's birthrate
少子化対策を講じる: devise countermeasures to the falling birthrate
少子高齢化対策: 1. measures related to the declining birthrate and the aging of society 2. measures to address the declining birthrate and the aging population
少子化: 1. a dwindling number of children 2. decrease in the number of children 3. falling birthrate 4. low fertility 5. reduced birthrate 6. sharp drop in the birthrate
少子化で: due to the low birthrate
少子化傾向: 1. downward trend in the birthrate 2. trend toward fewer children per family
少子化社会: society with fewer children
地球温暖化対策に関する基本方針: 地球温暖化対策に関する基本方針 Basic Policy on Measures to Tackle Global Warming
少子化時代の: in a time of low birthrates
急激な少子化: sharp decline in the number of births
急速な少子化: sharp decline in the number of births
強化対策: stepped-up measure
液状化対策: liquefaction countermeasure
高齢化対策: measures for meeting the needs of the aging society