- spend __ years in a youth prison
懲役_年の刑に服す: serve a __-year term in prison
短期の刑に服する: serve a short sentence
_年間の兵役に服する: serve __ years' conscription
刑に服する: 1. accept a sentence 2. do bird 3. go over the road 4. serve (out) one's sentence 5. serve a sentence
懲役_年の刑に服役する: serve a __-year term in prison
_年間兵役に服する: serve __ years in the army
懲役刑に服する: serve a jail sentence
終身刑に服する: 1. do it all 2. do life 3. serve a life sentence 4. serve a life term in prison
_日間の喪に服す: enter a mourning period of __ days
長期の禁固刑に服する: suffer lengthy imprisonment
非行のため少年院で_カ月過ごす: spend __ months in a juvenile facility for delinquency
刑務所で刑に服す: serve a sentence in jail
_年間の刑期を務める: serve a __-year prison term
喪に服する: 1. go into mourning / put on mourning / take to mourning 2. observe mourning 3. sit shibah
罪に服する: 1. be punished for one's crime 2. cop out