- policies toward foreigners taking up residence
居住外国人: 1. foreigners taking up residence 2. resident alien 3. resident foreigner
外国人に対する司法権: jurisdiction over foreigners
外国人に対する差別: discrimination against foreigners
在日外国人に対する指紋押捺: alien fingerprinting
永住外国人に地方選挙権を付与する: give foreigners with permanent residency the right to vote in local elections
永住外国人: 1. foreigners with permanent residence status 2. foreigners with permanent residency 3. non-Japanese with permanent resident status in Japan 4. permanent foreign residents
在日外国人に対する日本人の理解を深める: deepen Japanese people's understanding of foreigners in Japan
居住外国法人: resident foreign corporation
非永住外国人: nonpermanent resident foreigner
永住外国人に投票資格を認める: recognize voting rights for foreigners with permanent resident status
外国人に辟易する: flinch from foreigners
外国人労働者に対する差別的な扱い: discriminatory treatment of the foreign workers
外国人労働者に対する技能実習制度: training programs for foreign workers
永住外国人に首長選挙での投票権を認める: recognize voting rights for permanent resident-status foreigners in mayoral elections
外国人居住者: metic