冷静に受け止める 1: take it in (a) stride 冷静に受け止める 2 take ~ (right) on the chin〔~を〕 冷静に~を受け止める: take ~ coolly 厳粛に受け止める: 1. gravely accept 2. take ~ with utmost seriousness〔~を〕 深刻に受け止める: 1. reflect seriously on 2. regard ~ as a serious threat〔~を〕 真摯に受け止める: 1. accept ~ with sincerity 2. take ~ seriously〔~を〕 ありのままに受け止める: take ~ as you find〔~を〕 かなり深刻に受け止める: take ~ rather hard〔~を〕 まじめに受け止める: take ~ seriously〔~を〕 問題を真剣に受け止める: take the issue seriously 忠告を真剣に受け止める: seriously take someone's advice〔人の〕 意見を真剣に受け止める: take seriously someone's comment〔人の〕 批評を真剣に受け止める: take seriously someone's comment〔人の〕 批評を素直に受け止める: be good-natured about criticism 極めて真剣に受け止める: take ~ very seriously〔~を〕 無邪気に受け止める: be naive in one's interpretation of〔~を〕