- 履修単位
credit 【C】(大学の学科の)(履修)単位;point 【C】《米》
(見出しへ戻る headword ? 履修)
履修単位 1: school credit〔科目の〕 履修単位 2 credit〔学校での〕
履修単位時間: credit hour
大学の履修単位: college credit
学科の履修単位: academic credit
卒業するために必要な履修単位: credit needed for graduation
必修科目の最低履修単位数: minimum number of required credits in compulsory subjects
必要な履修単位数を取得する: earn the required number of credits
必修単位: required credit
必修単位数: mandatory number of credits
履修: 履修 りしゅう taking a class studying a subject completing a course
1学期に履修する1単位: semester hour
別の単位に履修を移す: transfer to another credit
履修登録単位数の上限設定: establishment of an upper limit on the number of registered credits
履修票: election card
単位: 単位 たんい unit denomination credit (in school)