in this grave hur perhaps the mst fateful in ur histry i send t every husehld f my a peples both at home and overseas ... "今は危機的状況であり" "我々は歴史上 もっとも重大な岐路に立っている" "わが国の" "あらゆる あ− 人々に" "国内の"
japanese imperial succession , it is at the crossroads to end the old tradition and establish new imperial lineage , whether to keep the traditional imperial succession by the male imperial line since the beginning of the imperial family , or to accept succession from the female imperial lineage . 日本の皇位継承は、皇室始まって以来の男系の伝統をつないでいくか、女系を容認して旧来の皇統と決別し、新たな皇統を創設していくかの岐路に立っていると言えるだろう。
人生の岐路に立っている: be at a crossroads in one's life 私たちは岐路に立っています: 1. We are at a crossroads [crossway]. 2. We are at a turning point. 岐路に立つ: 1. come to the crossroad 2. stand at a crossroad 3. stand at the crossroads 人生の岐路に立つ: 1. be at the crossroads of one's life 2. stand at life's crossroads 3. stand at the crossroads of one's life 重大な岐路に立つ: 1. stand at a critical crossroads 2. stand at a critical juncture 人生の岐路に立つ一人の男: a man at a crossroads in his life 優位に立って: on top of〔~より〕 前面に立って: at the front end 守勢に立って: on the defensive 役に立って 1: of use 役に立って 2 at one's service〔~の〕 打席に立って: up《野球》 {形} 歩哨に立って: on sentry 矢面に立って: on the firing line 窮地に立って: 1. in a tight squeeze 2. in trouble 舞台に立って: before the lights