…のために~を危険にさらす: 1. put ~ in jeopardy because of 2. put ~ on the line for 彼は特だねを得るために命を危険にさらした: He put his life on the line to get the scoop. 人々の命を危険にさらす: put peoples' lives at risk 兵士の命を危険にさらす: put one's soldiers' lives at risk 命を危険にさらす 1: 1. lay one's life on the line 2. put one's life in peril 3. put one's life on the line 命を危険にさらす 2 1. endanger someone's life 2. put the life of someone in jeopardy〔人の〕 生命を危険にさらす: put lives at risk 崇高な目的のためにその会社の汚職を糾弾する: accuse the corruption of the company for a noble cause あの人たちのように、他人のために自分の命を危険にさらすなんて、私には想像できないわ。: I can't imagine risking my life for others, like they did. 私は自分が知りもしない人を守るために自らの命を危険にさらす。: I will risk my life to protect those that I don't even know. 種を危険にさらす: endanger the species in〔~の〕 身を危険にさらす: 1. expose oneself to danger 2. risk one's skin 目的のために崇高な任務を遂行する: perform a noble service for the cause of〔~という〕 目的のために崇高な軍務を遂行する: perform a noble service for the cause of〔~という〕 使って賭けに出て運命を危険にさらす: risk one's fate with〔~を〕 多くの人々の生命を危険にさらす: jeopardize the lives of many people