巨額の医療費: enormous medical bills 高額の医療費を支払う: pay for the high cost of health care 医療費を支払う: pay the doctor bill 巨額の賠償金を払う: pay a huge indemnity トータルの医療費を抑える: hold down overall medical costs ペットの医療費を負担する: bear the expense of medical care for one's pet 国民の医療費を値上げする: raise people's medical cost _ドルの医療費を援助する: offer __ dollars of medical aid 医療費を賄う: cover medical costs 会費を払う: 1. pay a membership fee 2. pay the membership dues 旅費を払う: pay one's traveling expenses 経費を払う: 1. pay the tab 2. pick up the bill 食費を払う: pay for board 年間_ドルを超える医療費を支払う: pay medical expenses over $__ a year サラリーマンや高齢者の医療費を引き上げる: hike medical expenses for salaried workers and the elderly