- understanding and cooperation of citizens
国民の理解と協力: public understanding and cooperation
国民の一層の理解と協力を得る: gain further understanding and cooperation of the citizens for〔~について〕
地域間の理解と協力を進める: advance interregional understanding and cooperation
住民の理解と支持: understanding and support of the residents
国民の理解と支援: understanding and support of the people
国民の理解と支持を得て: with the support and understanding of the public
国民の理解と支持を得る: receive the understanding and support of the people
国民に引き続き理解と協力を求める: ask the people for their continued understanding and support
日米の相互理解と協力を助長する: foster better understanding and cooperation between Japan and U.S.
国民の理解と支持に支えられる: be backed by the understanding and support of the public
国民の理解と支援を得ながら: with the understanding and support of the people
国民の理解と納得を得ている: have the understanding and confidence of the people
日本国民の理解と支持を得る: garner the understanding and support of the people of Japan
国民の理解: public understanding
~間の和解と協力を進める: promote reconciliation and cooperation between